Class of 2029!
Orientation is the time for all new students to move in, and get acquainted with campus and each other prior to classes starting. The days are busy with a lot of important learning and a lot of fun!
Orientation Details
At Kalamazoo College Orientation is mandatory for all incoming students and it takes place just prior to the first week of classes. The dates of First-Year Student Orientation for 2025 are September 10-14. Students will move into their residence halls on September 10 from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. and formal Orientation activities will begin that evening. Classes start on Monday, September 15, 2024.
The full schedule will be mailed to incoming first-year students in June 2025 as part of a larger mailing, and will be posted here in the Orientation Schedule section.
Parent and Family Orientation activities are offered starting late afternoon September 10 and all day September 11, 2025 until 5 p.m. Parents are asked to do their farewells at that time and depart campus to enable their student to fully participate in the rest of Orientation activities. Parents/guardians will be mailed the Parent and Family Schedule in June 2025 as part of a larger parent/guardian mailing.
Transfer Students
Transfer students have their own Transfer Student Orientation September 11-14, 2024. More information will be provided in a June 2025 mailing, including their specific schedule of events.
Incoming First-Year Orientation Schedule 2024
(The 2025 Orientation Schedule will be posted during early summer)
Information Desk and Center Hours
Wednesday, September 11
Health Center | 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location – Main Floor, Hicks Student Center
Health Center staff is available for health information verification as well as general consultation with students and families
Information Table | 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Atrium, Hicks Student Center
Stop by for opening day schedules, maps, directions, suggestions for lunch and answers to your questions.
Bookstore Open – 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Hicks Student Center
Go Hornets! 20% off Kalamazoo College imprinted items.
Book Club Café | 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: Upjohn Library Commons
Stop by the first floor of the Upjohn Library and allow one of our baristas to serve you a cup of coffee, hot chocolate, tea, or a specialty beverage. Choose from fast grab-and-go options including sandwiches, salads, snacks and drinks. Debit/credit cards only are accepted.
Thursday, September 12
Information Table | 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: Atrium, Hicks Student Center
Stop by for schedules, maps, directions and answers to your questions.
Book Club Café | 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: Upjohn Library Commons
Stop by the first floor of the Upjohn Library and allow one of our baristas to serve you a cup of coffee, hot chocolate, tea, or a specialty beverage. Choose from fast grab-and-go options including sandwiches, pastries, salads, snacks and drinks. Debit/credit cards only are accepted.
Bookstore Open | 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Hicks Student Center
Go Hornets! 20% off Kalamazoo College imprinted items.
Wednesday, September 11th
9 a.m.-4 p.m. | Student Move-In
Location: Residence Halls (please refer to the campus map for your student’s exact residence hall)
Resident Assistants (RAs) and First-Year Experience (FYE) Mentors will be stationed at check-in tables at each residence hall to welcome you. Pick up your orientation folder from the FYE Mentors. Then see the Residential Life staff to get your student ID, room key, check into your room and get settled. Health verification must be completed before you can check in. Students with incomplete health requirements will be directed to the Health Center to complete any necessary requirements before they are permitted to check in. Morning is extremely busy, so families are highly encouraged to arrive throughout the day for a more stress-free move in.
11 a.m.-1 p.m. | Orientation Lunch
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Student Center or off campus
Families are welcome to have lunch on campus at the Dining Center, or venture off campus to one of Kalamazoo’s excellent eating establishments (a list of restaurants is available at the information table in the Hicks Atrium). New students, use your student ID (which also serves as your meal card) to access the Dining Center. Families may pay (debit/credit card) at the Dining Center entrance.
1-4 p.m. | Computer Network Assistance
Location: Main lounges of Harmon, Hoben, and Trowbridge Residence Halls
Have questions about connecting to K’s network? Information Services staff is available in Harmon, Hoben and Trowbridge main lounges to answer questions.
3-6 p.m. | Athletic Practices
Location: Various Locations
Did you know that 25% of K students are student-athletes? Our 8 fall teams (football, men and soccer, volleyball, golf, and cross country) have been on campus for a few weeks already, and in addition to participating in Orientation activities they will be engaged in daily practices and regular competitions. Go Hornets!
4-5:30 p.m. | First-Generation Student & Family Program
Location: Banquet Room, Hicks Student Center
A special welcome for first-generation students (student whose parents did not complete a four-year bachelor’s degree; or in the case of a student who resided with and received support from only one parent, a student whose only such parent did not complete a four-year bachelor’s degree) and their families. Appetizers will be served and information specifically for first-generation students and their families will be shared. There will also be a panel of returning first-generation students who will share their experiences and answer questions.
5-7 p.m. | Orientation Dinner
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Student Center or off campus
Families are welcome to have dinner on campus at the Dining Center, or venture off campus to one of Kalamazoo’s excellent eating establishments (a list of restaurants is available at the information table in the Hicks Atrium). New students, use your student ID (which also serves as your meal card) to access the Dining Center. Families may pay (debit/credit card) at the Dining Center entrance.
7-7:45 p.m. | Hornet Student Welcome
Location: Stetson Chapel
The President, Dean of Students, Provost, First-Year Class Dean, College Chaplain, FYE Mentors and the Office of Student Activities welcome you—the class of 2028 to campus! Bring your Orientation folder.
8-8:45 p.m. | Meet your Seminar Group and FYE Mentor
Location: The Quad
Introductions and get-to-know-you. Talk through the Orientation schedule and answers any questions you may have. FYE Mentors will will be holding up signs with your seminar name and number for you to join them outside Light Fine Arts.
9-9:45 p.m. | Residence Hall Community Meetings
Location: Stetson Chapel (Trowbridge Hall), Hoben Lounge (Hoben Hall), Harmon Main Lounge (Harmon Hall)
Meet with your fellow residents and RAs to talk about community expectations, living in residence halls, college policies, and begin to know your neighbors!
10-11 p.m. | Setup Your Room & Free Time
Location: Residence Halls
Use this time to make sure your room is set up just the way you want it and relax before a full day of activities tomorrow!
Thursday, September 12th
7-9 a.m. | Orientation Breakfast
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Student Center
New students, use your student ID (which also serves as your meal card) to access the Dining Center. Families may pay (debit/credit card only) at the Dining Center entrance.
8-9 a.m. | Follow-Up Language Placement Exams
Select Students
Location: Various locations (will be noted on your ticket in your folder)
These exams, required for only those students who have admission tickets in their orientation folders, who have placed out of the 3rd level of language, and/or who need to meet with a faculty member in the relevant language.
9-10 a.m. | First-Year Seminars
Location: Seminar Rooms
Join your professor, FYE Mentor, and fellow students for an introduction to your class. Your seminar location is on the front of your Orientation folder.
10:15-11:30 a.m. | Social Justice 101
Location: Dalton Theatre, Light Fine Arts
In this interactive workshop, participants are encouraged to think creatively and collectively about what equity and justice look like, and what we need to build a world free from oppression.
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. | Orientation Lunch
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Student Center
Eat lunch with Arcus staff to continue the conversation about social justice (their tables will have signs). Alternatively, you can eat with your seminar (your FYE mentor will tell you where to meet), family, roommate, teammates, or other new friends.
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. | Welcome Lunch for Black Men on Campus
Location: Banquet Room East, Hicks Student Center
This lunch is for new students who identify as Black and male. Join several Black male identifying faculty, staff and upper-class students for lunch to build community and support, learn about resources and plan future group activities.
1:15 p.m.-2:30 p.m. | Drink, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll
Location: Seminar Rooms
College life is full of new experiences and opportunities, but it also comes with challenges, including pressures related to alcohol and drug use. Join your FYE Mentor to gain valuable insights and tools to help you navigate your college experience without compromising your health and well-being.
2:35 p.m. | Line up for Convocation
Location: Outside of the Light Fine Arts Building
Line up with your seminar outside of Light Fine Arts to prepare to process through the “arch” for Convocation promptly at 2:45 p.m.
3 p.m. | Convocation
Location: The Quad (Rain Site: Stetson Chapel)
President Jorge Gonzalez, Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students, Malcolm Smith, Provost Danette Ifert Johnson, Chaplain Elizabeth Candido, the Convocation speaker, faculty, staff, and the President’s Student Ambassadors welcome you and your families. Convocation concludes with all new students signing the matriculation registry.
4-5 p.m. | Hugs and Farewell Reception
Location: The Quad (Rain Site: Hicks Student Center)
Refreshments served outside the front of the Hicks Student Center immediately following Convocation. Parents and families depart campus when the reception concludes at 5 p.m.
5:30-7:30 p.m. | Picnic with your FYE Mentors and Seminar
Location: The Quad
Enjoy dinner together and socializing. FYE Mentors will let you know where to meet to find your group.
7:30-11 p.m. | Free Time, Res. Hall Socials, and Roommate Agreements
Location: Residence Halls
Finish setting up your room, and get to know your neighbors, relax and unwind in your residence hall. RAs will have snacks and low-key social activities in the main lounges. You and your roommate will also have time to sit down with your RA to discuss expectations related to a shared living space.
Friday, September 13th
7-9 a.m. | Orientation Breakfast
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Student Center
Get your day off to a good start! Enjoy breakfast in the Dining Center.
8-10 a.m. | Advising Appointments
1 required before or during your orientation
Location: Various locations
Discuss your fall schedule, placement exam results, academic goals, and co-curricular interests with your advisor. Make sure to sign up for an
appointment time that does not conflict with a session you’re required or would like to attend. Your advisor will let you know how to schedule an
appointment and where to go.
10-10:15 a.m. | Meet the Counseling Center Staff
Location: Dalton Theatre, Light Fine Arts Building
The Counseling Center therapists would love to introduce themselves! In this session you will engage in stigma-reducing conversation about therapy and learn about K services that are supportive to your mental health.
10:15-11:40 a.m. | Groups of Seminars will Rotate Through Two Activities
Note: Your FYE Mentor will tell you where to go
Language Studies: Acquiring Critical Thinking Skills for Academic and Professional Lives (Dewing 103)
Demonstrating proficiency in a second language through the intermediate level is a graduation requirement at K. Learn about the exciting range of languages offered at K and how language study leads to student excellence and future opportunities. During this exploratory session, you will meet faculty and learn about our programs, study abroad destinations and cultural activities!
Campus Tour and Adjusting to the Academics
Take a tour of campus with your FYE mentor. Bring your class schedule so you can find all your classes! Along the way, FYE mentors will lead an informal talk about the academic transition from high school to college, what you can expect regarding the workload and the best strategies to be successful at K.
11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. | Orientation Lunch
Location: Hicks Student Center
Eat lunch with your seminar (your FYE mentor will tell you where to meet), or your roommate, teammates, or other new friends.
11:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m. | Advising Appointments 2nd Opportunity
1 required before or during your orientation
Location: Various locations
Discuss your fall schedule, placement exam results, academic goals, and co-curricular interests with your advisor. Make sure to sign up for an
appointment time that does not conflict with a session you’re required or would like to attend. Your advisor will let you know how to schedule an
appointment and where to go.
2-3 p.m. | Groups of Seminars will Rotate Through Two Activities
Note: Your FYE Mentor will tell you where to go
Academic Fair
Talk with professors in various departments and programs about majors, minors, concentrations, which courses to take when and more. Meet departmental student advisors (DSAs), who can give student perspectives. Stop by the table on the first floor of the Library to learn about the Learning Commons which offer academic resources to help you be successful.
Social Justice 101 Activity
Join FYE mentors and your seminar group for an activity to continue thinking about social justice and inclusiveness in our community.
3:15-4 p.m. | Department Sessions
Highly Encouraged
Location: Various (check the list in your folder)
As a follow up to the Academic Fair, attend a department session (your choice- list in your Orientation folder) to learn more details about a specific major/program you’d like to further explore.
4:15-5 p.m. | Making Music at K
Location: Room 103, Dewing Hall
Come meet with the music department faculty for some sweet treats and to learn about all the ways you can get involved in making music here at K, regardless of your intended course of study.
5:00-7:00 p.m. | Orientation Dinner
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Student Center
Eat dinner with your seminar (your FYE mentor will tell you where to meet), or your roommate, teammates, or other new friends.
9-11 p.m. | Hicks Open House
Location: Hicks Student Center
Enjoy all Hicks has to offer: pool and ping pong tournaments (with prizes), the latest in video gaming, craft areas, board game areas, snacks, activities that help you meet new people and make friends, and much more!
Saturday, September 14th
7-9 a.m. | Orientation Day 4 Breakfast
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Center
Get your day off to a good start! Enjoy breakfast in the Dining Center.
9-9:30 a.m. | CIRP Survey
Location: Seminar Rooms
Kalamazoo College is participating in a national survey about incoming college students. These anonymous surveys ask about your expectations for college, habits, experiences, goals and values, and how you spend your time. Results from this survey are used to improve the college experience. Bring your phone, laptop or tablet to take the survey. Let your FYE Mentor in know in advance if you do not have one of these items.
9:30-10 a.m. | Emergency Response Training
Location: Seminar Rooms
FYE Mentors will lead you through specific scenarios to stay safe, and how to respond in emergency situations.
10:15-11 a.m. | New Hornet’s Guide to Sexual Respect & Violence Prevention
Location: Seminar Rooms
K is committed to an environment free of sexual misconduct and you are an important part of creating a culture where violence is not tolerated. FYE mentors will facilitate a discussion on bystander intervention and work through scenarios from the skills and techniques learned from the resources shared in the summer.
11:15-11:40 a.m. | Mission Possible- Graduation
Location: Room 103, Dewing Hall
What classes do I need to take to graduate? How many majors can I have? Do I really need to take PE courses? Will I have to stay longer if I study abroad? Find out the answers to these questions and more!
11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. | Financial Aid 101
Location: Dalton Theatre, Light Fine Arts Building
Almost every K student uses scholarships and financial aid to cover some college costs. Get to know the Financial Aid staff and learn important information about the financial side of attending college.
12:10-1:30 p.m. | Lunch
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Student Center
Take a break and have lunch at the Dining Center.
Afternoon | Free Time!
Relax, attend some fun optional activities of your choice, hang out with new friends and/or take some time for yourself to recharge.
1-3 p.m. | Kalamazoo vs. Kenyon Home Football Game
Location: Angell Field, Athletic Complex
Join FYE mentors at 12:45 p.m. in front of the Arcus Center to walk as a group to Angell Field and watch the Hornets take on the Kenyon Owls. All home athletic contests are free for students. Everyone going as a group with the FYE Mentors will receive a voucher for free lunch at the concession stand!
1-3 p.m. | Kalamazoo vs. Sienna Heights Men’s Home Soccer Game
Location: MacKenzie Field, Athletic Complex
Join FYE mentors at 12:45 in front of the Arcus Center to walk as a group to MacKenzie Field to watch the Hornets take on the Sienna Heights Saints. All home athletic contests are free for students. Everyone going as a group with the FYE Mentors will receive a voucher for free lunch at the concession stand!
Two Departure Times | Ride the Bus to West Main Shops with FYE Mentors
Times: To be Announced
Location: Bus to West Main Shops
Learn how to navigate the City of Kalamazoo bus system with FYE mentors by taking a trip to shops at Maple Hill Pavilion (includes Target with groceries, Bath & BodyWorks, Dollar Tree, Five Below, Hobby Lobby, Burlington Coat Factory clothing, OldNavy, Ulta and more). Trip is limited so there will be a sign-up process (ask your FYE mentor). Bring $1.50 for the trip there and $1.50 for the trip back (exact change or you can purchase bus tokens in advance at the Bookstore). Bring water. Same trip, two departure times.
4-5 p.m. | Theatre at K
Location: Nelda K. Balch Lobby, Light Fine Arts Building (entrance in the back of the building)
Did you know that you don’t have to be a theatre major to participate in theatre activities? Hear from students from various majors as well as theatre students about doing theatre at K!
13:30-5:30 p.m. | Kalamazoo vs. Carthage Home Women’s Soccer Game
Location: MacKenzie Field, Athletic Complex
Join FYE mentors at 3:15 in front of the Arcus Center to walk as a group to MacKenzie Field to watch the Hornets take on the Sienna Heights Saints. All home athletic contests are free for students. Everyone going as a group with the FYE Mentors will receive a voucher for free lunch at the concession stand!
5-7:30 p.m. | Dinner
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Student Center
Enjoy dinner in the Dining Center.
9 p.m.-midnight | Zoo After Dark
Location: The Quad (rain site: Hicks Student Center)
Join the Office of Student Activities (OSA) for a night of games, performances and fun!! Every week, OSA hosts a series of programs on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Tonight, we kick-off of our Zoo After Dark series, hosted every Saturday night from 9pm-midnight. There’s something for everyone and we look forward to seeing you there!
Sunday, September 15th
Take it easy and get ready for class on Monday!
Location: Various locations
Make sure to take some time for yourself and do things you find enjoyable and relaxing. Today we offer low-key activities in which you are welcome to participate. We are so glad you’ve joined the Kalamazoo College community!
10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. | Brunch
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Student Center
Enjoy Sunday brunch in the Welles Dining Hall.
10:15-11:30 a.m. | Catholic Mass
Location: St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Meet members of the Catholic Student Organization to walk to St. Tom’s Student Parish for Catholic Mass. Gather on the steps of Stetson Chapel and walk the one short block together.
10-11 a.m. | Tour of the Grove and Composting Program
Location: The Grove
Join current students who work with the Composting Program to explore the Grove (the wooded area behind Trowbridge between the Arcus Center, DeWaters Hall, and the brick grove houses) and learn about composting on K’s campus!
10 a.m.- 4 p.m. | Bookstore Open
Location: Bookstore, Hicks Student Center
Welcome new Hornets! 20% off Kalamazoo College imprinted items.
11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. | Bagel Brunch
Location: The Cavern, Stetson Chapel
Come meet with students from Hillel, Fellowship of Christian Students and the Muslim Student Association in the basement of the Chapel.
1- 2:30 p.m. | Hoop House Gardens Drop-In
Location: The Hoop House (behind the Fitness & Wellness Center)
Are you interested in caring for the Earth through gardening and learning about different cultures through food? Stop by our Hoop House community garden to see what’s growing! Meet Hoop House interns, and learn how you can get involved. The Hoop House Gardens are supported by the Environmental Stewardship Center and the Center for Civic Engagement.
2- 4 p.m. | Cavern Drop-In
Location: The Cavern, Stetson Chapel
Stop by for some treats, check out the Cavern library and the Crypt, chat with Interfaith Student Leaders or just duck in for a quiet place to hang out.
4- 6 p.m. | BIPOC Mixer for New & Returning Students
Location: Arcus Center
Students who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) are invited to join this lively, fun event for food, music, raffle prizes and activities to help connect with supportive people on campus. Sponsored by the Arcus Center.
5- 7 p.m. | Dinner
Location: Welles Dining Hall, Hicks Student Center
Enjoy dinner at the Dining Center.
7 p.m. | Condom Bingo
Location: Banquet Room, Hicks Student Center
Join members of SPEAK (Sexual Peer Education Alliance at K) in a game of Condom Bingo! Win fabulous prizes and relax in a safe, fun, sex-positive environment!
For questions related to the Fall 2025 Orientation please contact Sally Read, sally.read@kzoo.edu, Associate Director of Student Involvement, or Adam Kubiak, Associate Dean of Students, adam.kubiak@kzoo.edu.